Premium services for protocol optimization and site engagement

Premium Services

Make our clinical analysts and trial site experts an extension of your study team

Terrain-tested guides for all your clinical expeditions

Trials are mountains. At the peak lies a clean and complete database lock. At the base? A protocol informed by real-world data on patients in need of better therapy. Traversing the distance between takes people who’ve made the climb before. TriNetX is home to a crew of veterans who have put hundreds of study leaders on the right path, helping them fine-tune eligibility, ensure participant diversity, identify the right sites, and focus on the most qualified patients.  

Our clinical science teams are ready to do the same for you. While each has a special focus, they work as much with each other as our clients to ensure the optimal start to every expedition.

Premium Platform Services

Clinical expertise for protocol optimization and site identification

Our platform-based solutions for cohort discovery and exploration make it easy to define a patient population, understand its clinical and demographic characteristics, and identify the healthcare organization where they’re receiving care. But tools alone can’t turn patient counts into recruitable, patient-centric studies. Our Premium Platform Services cover a range of people-powered solutions to bridge the gap between data and actionable insights. From single study engagements to ongoing staff augmentation, our deep bench of clinical analysts will work with you to:

  • turn your first draft protocol into one that’s real-world ready, with data-backed insights and recommended alternatives on criteria that may prevent or slow enrollment
  • match your cohort criteria with the healthcare organizations caring for the patients you want to enroll

This foundational work shortens the time to key milestones like First Site Activated and First Patient In, while putting your study on a path that’s more likely to avoid costly protocol amendments.

We offer these services on a per-study basis and through ongoing consultation that can range over a whole program’s worth of trials. Curious to learn if we can help you? Click the button below.

For all that our platform features do, they solutions can’t give you time or a full clinical education. Without a working knowledge of all the codes related to your target indication, and a prior understanding of the disease course, you may struggle to build a diverse, recruitable cohort healthy enough to follow a protocol’s visit schedule.

Joshua Hartman, BS, MPH

Director, Clinical Study Feasibility & Analytics

Clinical Engagement Services (CES)

Operational expertise for site communication and participant outreach planning

You’ve tested your study eligibility against patients receiving care now. You’ve changed some inclusion and exclusion criteria to ensure recruitment is as rapid and broad as possible. You’ve even identified the healthcare organizations, from our network or yours, with the resources and patients you need to start site outreach.

How you proceed from here can make the difference between the FPI date you promised stakeholders, and the FPI date you get.

The team providing our Clinical Engagement Services understands trials from both perspectives: yours and the site’s. They will help you and the site teams you work with to:

  • integrate your site intelligence with ours
  • identify overlapping and net new sites
  • make data-driven decisions on which sites to contact
  • write a TriNetX Connect opportunity that makes the strongest, most informative case for participation when delivered to our network of clinical trial offices
  • liaise with these offices to drive prompt and transparent communication
  • advise investigators and their coordinators on TriNetX best practices in re-identifying patients who meet your study’s eligibility criteria
  • support regulatory submissions allowing site personnel to re-identify the patients you’d like to enroll

In short, we help you select the best sites for your trial and then equip those sites to fulfill their enrollment potential.

Sponsors, investigators, and patients are all invested in the smooth conduct of trials. They also know that, too often, communication failures and lack of hands-on support prevent that shared vision from becoming reality. CES is here to change that.

Akiko Shimamura

SVP, Trial Design and Optimization