Natural Allies: TriNetX and the CTTI

What’s more effective than working in parallel?

Working together.

Since our founding in 2013, TriNetX has delivered the data, technology, and services crucial to making trials “real-world ready”. We were never alone in that pursuit. Since 2007, the Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative (CTTI) has furthered its mission of developing and driving the adoption of practices that increase the quality and efficiency of clinical trials. Now, in CTTI’s 15th year and our 10th, we’re laying the groundwork for a new anniversary. In January, TriNetX became a member of CTTI to support their critical mission to transform the conduct of clinical trials.

As Our Chief Scientific Officer, Jeff Brown, PhD, notes, it’s a natural partnership. “Like CTTI, TriNetX is focused on de-risking clinical trials and improving clinical trial efficiency by using global RWD for protocol feasibility assessment, trial design, site selection, and trial diversity planning.”

Every trial is a collaboration. We think the pursuit of better trials should be a collaboration too – one whose benefits accrue to our customers and the patients they serve. We look forward to actively participating in CTTI initiatives and sharing what we learn with our community. In the meantime, we invite you to explore the wealth of resources at  Looking for a place to start? How about two of our passions?