グローバル医療データサービス事業の国内展開についての協業契約 - TriNetX


Monday, Mar 28

Written by TriNetX

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Language: 日本語 (Japanese) | English
三井物産株式会社(本社:東京都千代田区、社長:堀 健一、以下「三井物産」)は、匿名化した電子カルテ情報を活用したグローバル医療データサービス事業を展開するTriNetX,LLC社(本社:米国マサチューセッツ州、代表取締役CEO:Gadi Lachman、以下「TriNetX」)と、同社事業の日本展開を支援するべく、協業契約を締結しました。




三井物産は中期経営計画2023でヘルスケア・ニュートリション領域をStrategic Focusの一つと位置付け、Wellness All Mitsui(WAM)と称する健康事業群の確立を進めています。本件は、WAMの中でも医療接点を軸としたDXソリューションを拡大するための具体策の一つです。三井物産は本件を通じ、人々の豊かな暮らしづくりに貢献します。

▽TriNetX, LLCについて


TriNetX, LLC
Bill Stetson
+1 (857) 285-6038
press@trinetx.com (日本語可)

Mitsui Signs Partnership Agreement with TriNetX to Expand its Global Research Network in Japan

March 28, 2022 – Mitsui & Co., Ltd. (“Mitsui”, Head Office: Tokyo, President and CEO: Kenichi Hori) and TriNetX, LLC (“TriNetX”, Head Office: Massachusetts, U.S., CEO: Gadi Lachman), the global network of healthcare organizations driving real-world research to accelerate the development of new therapies, have signed a partnership agreement to support the expansion of TriNetX’s network in Japan.

TriNetX is one of the largest and fastest-growing collaborative research technology platforms with healthcare organizations and life sciences companies spanning North and South America, EMEA, and Asia-Pacific. It uses the power of real-world data (RWD) and provides its worldwide community with the ability to improve protocol design, streamline trial operations, refine safety signals, and enrich real-world evidence (RWE) generation. Mitsui will assist Japanese healthcare organizations with joining TriNetX so that these organizations are able to take advantage of up-to-date, global RWD for investigator-initiated and industry-sponsored research opportunities.

According to the 2021 budget, Japan spends around ¥46.6 trillion on its national medical expenditure each year, with the Japanese hospital industry accounting for about one-half of that spending. A significant number of hospitals are facing financial difficulties and are working to improve their operating efficiency and the quality of healthcare through the use of healthcare data. Issues confronting the pharmaceutical industry include massive development costs, with the cost of developing one new drug estimated to be at least ¥100 billion, as well as a success rate of less than 1%, and development lead times that can be as long as 10 to 20 years.

Since 2019, Mitsui has been working with TriNetX to strategize on the expansion of its network in Japan. This new partnership agreement accelerates the growth, enabling TriNetX to share its research platform with healthcare organizations in Japan. This will result in increased opportunities for Japanese healthcare organizations to participate in clinical trials and to use data in clinical research, while also improving the efficiency of clinical trial planning and reducing the time required to select facilities for clinical trials.

Mitsui has positioned healthcare and nutrition as a strategic focus area under its 2023 Medium-term Management Plan and is working to create the “Wellness All Mitsui” (WAM) healthcare business cluster. The Partnership Agreement will be a significant step forward in Mitsui’s efforts to expand its digital transformation solutions centering on healthcare contact points within the WAM initiatives. Through this initiative, Mitsui will help to enhance the quality of people’s lives.

About TriNetX, LLC
TriNetX is a global network of healthcare organizations and life sciences companies driving real-world research to accelerate the development of new therapies. Through its self-service, HIPAA, GDPR, and LGPD-compliant platform of federated EHR, datasets, and consulting partnerships, TriNetX puts the power of real-world data into the hands of its worldwide community to improve protocol design, streamline trial operations, refine safety signals, and enrich real-world evidence generation. For more information, visit TriNetX at www.trinetx.com or follow @TriNetX on Twitter.

Media Contact
TriNetX, LLC
Bill Stetson
+1 (857) 285-6038

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