TriNetX Trust Center
About TriNetX Privacy

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Our systems and procedures meet the European Union’s (EU) guideline for extraterritorial scope for data transfers from the EU to our platform while safeguarding and supporting our customer’s need for confidentiality, integrity, availability, and resilience of systems and services processing Personal Data.
Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
TriNetX uses the Expert Determination method to ensure that our information is properly de-identified under the HIPAA Privacy Rule. TriNetX utilizes Bradley Malin, Ph.D. for its Expert Determination. Read more >
The new EU standard contractual clauses
We have updated our standard contractual clauses in accordance with the European Commission’s directive on June 4, 2021, that has “pre-approved” contract clauses.
Brazilian General Data Protection Law (LGPD)
As part of TriNetX’s mission we are spreading across the world and still maintaining the safeguards of data privacy and supporting our customer’s compliance efforts. We comply with LGPD standards. To show transparency TriNetX enters into Data Protection Addendum with its Brazilian healthcare organizations.
Protecting personal data: De‑identification & pseudonymization
All data provided to TriNetX will be pseudonymized and/or de-identified by the HCO (Health Care Organization) as specified in the contract between the HCO and TriNetX. TriNetX can assist the HCO team to setup such a pseudonymization process in case such a process does not exist within the HCO. In addition, TriNetX uses expert determination to make sure that any data that is made available to end-users is sufficiently de-identified.
Data Governance Program
TriNetX ensures data is managed consistently by enabling a group of professionals to evaluate, utilizing responsible and accountable data owners, and custodians across the data lifecycle. The Data Trust team is composed of TriNetX employees from the legal, privacy, compliance, and security teams.
The Privacy Policy is intended to inform you of TriNetX, LLC’s policies and practices regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of information that you provide to TriNetX LLC and our corporate affiliates when you use our platform known as TNX™ (“TNX”) which includes TriNetX Live™, TriNetX Research™, TriNetX Services™ and our websites ( and The Privacy Policy also serves as a Privacy Notice to residents of the European Economic Area (EEA) explaining out compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Click to access the Privacy Policy
The Cookie Policy explains how cookies and similar technologies (collectively, “Cookie(s)”) are used when you visit use our platform known as TNX™ (“TNX”) which includes TriNetX Live™, TriNetX Research™, TriNetX Services™ and our websites ( and as well as any other services that display this Cookie Policy. This policy explains what these technologies are and why they are used, as well as your right to control their use.
Click to access the Cookie Policy