聖マリアンナ医科大学が先進的な医療環境と研究環境の充実を目指しTriNetXネットワークに加入 - TriNetX


Monday, Nov 11

Written by TriNetX

Explore. Discover. Connect.

Language: 日本語 (Japanese) | English

東京、日本、2024年1111聖マリアンナ医科大学は、この度TriNetX, LLC(本社:米国マサチューセッツ州ケンブリッジ、以下「TriNetX」)が運営する医療機関グローバルネットワークに参加しました。 






About TriNetX, LLC 

TriNetXは、新しい治療法の開発を加速するためにリアルワールドデータを用いた研究を推進する医療機関とライフサイエンス企業のグローバルネットワークです。HIPAA(米国)、GDPR(欧州)、LGPD(ブラジル)、そして個人情報保護法(日本)に準拠したセルフサービスのEHRデータセット連携プラットフォームとコンサルティングパートナーシップを通じて、TriNetXはプロトコールデザインの改善、試験運用の合理化、安全性シグナルの精緻化、実臨床でのエビデンス作成の充実をグローバルコミュニティに提供しています。詳細については、TriNetX https://www.trinetx.com をご覧いただくか、LinkedInでTriNetXをフォローしてください。 


+1 704.619.9867
japan@trinetx.com (日本語可) 







広報担当 岡野 樹
電話 044-977-8111
メール soumu@marianna-u.ac.jp 


St. Marianna University School of Medicine Joins TriNetX Network with the Aim of Creating an Advanced Medical and Research Environment 


Tokyo, Japan, November 11, 2024 — St. Marianna University School of Medicine has joined TriNetX, LLC the global network of healthcare organizations (Headquarters: Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA; “TriNetX” hereafter). 

As part of the TriNetX global network, consisting of large-scale medical data from over 210 hospital groups worldwide, St. Marianna University School of Medicine will promote clinical research and participation in pharmaceutical company-led clinical trials, with the aim of enhancing a more advanced medical and research environment. 

Yoshihisa Yamano, Director of the University’s Clinical Research Data Center, said: “With its vast amount of real-world data, TriNetX can enable us to swiftly understand the current state of global healthcare; we can search the TriNetX platform for the clinical questions we have and quickly get the answers we need. Our goals are to promote clinical research and improve the level of medical care by enhancing training for faculty members, graduate students, and medical students in the use of TriNetX’s functionality and increasing the number of platform users. In addition, by utilizing TriNetX’s extensive global network and real-world data, we expect not only to stimulate clinical research, but also to provide more patients with the latest treatment opportunities. We look forward to contributing to the further development of healthcare by making full use of these new tools.” 

“We are proud to have St. Marianna University School of Medicine join the TriNetX network of healthcare organizations,” said Shogo Wakabayshi, Japan Country Manager at TriNetX. “Clinical research plays a pivotal role in advancing medical knowledge and improving patient outcomes. We look forward to enhancing St. Marianna University School of Medicine’s research capabilities and securing more sponsored trials, ultimately enabling better healthcare delivery.” 

The addition of St. Marianna University School of Medicine to the TriNetX network is the latest example of the company’s continued growth in Japan and in the APAC region. 


About TriNetX, LLC 

TriNetX is a global network of healthcare organizations and life sciences companies dedicated to advancing real-world research and expediting the development of new therapies. Through its self-service, HIPAA-, GDPR-, LGPD-, and APPI-compliant platform of federated deidentified EHR datasets and consulting partnerships, TriNetX empowers its global community to improve protocol design, streamline trial operations, refine safety signals and enrich real-world evidence generation. For more information, please visit TriNetX at www.trinetx.com or follow TriNetX on LinkedIn. 


Media Contact: 

Karen Tunks
+1 704.619.9867
japan@trinetx.com (日本語可) 


About St. Marianna University School of Medicine 

St. Marianna University School of Medicine is a university located in the northern part of Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture, with three affiliated and designated hospitals (St. Marianna University Hospital, St. Marianna University Yokohama Seibu Hospital, and Kawasaki Municipal Tama Hospital) and a clinic affiliated with the St. Marianna University Advanced Breast Imaging Center in Kawasaki and Yokohama City. 

Our university celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2021. In addition to the new inpatient ward, which opened in 2023 as a commemorative project for the 50th anniversary, a new outpatient ward and entrance ward will open in January 2025. St. Marianna University Hospital has now developed into a hospital with a total of approximately 3,000 staff members and it plays a central role in the medical care in the northern area of Kawasaki City. Under the new facilities, we will continue our activities rooted in the community for the next 50 years. 


Media Contact: 

St. Marianna University School of Medicine 
Tatsuki Okano
TEL +81-44-977-8111
Email soumu@marianna-u.ac.jp 


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