誠光会・淡海医療センターが国際共同治験への参加機会を増やすために - TriNetX


Monday, Feb 27

Written by TriNetX

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Language: 日本語 (Japanese) | English




ケンブリッジ(米マサチューセッツ州)2023年2月27日 日本の高度医療技術の使用において先導的な役割を果たす医療機関の1つである社会医療法人誠光会 淡海医療センターは、同センターの国際的な企業主導治験への参加機会を増やすために、TriNetXとパートナーシップ協定を締結することを発表しました。

淡海医療センターの和田厚幸 理事長特別補佐 兼 臨床試験·治験センター長は「この30年で全世界における日本の医薬品使用量は20%から10%未満に減少するなど日本の医療の存在感を低下させてきました」と話します。「また、国際共同治験の実施数でも30位前後に留まっており、臨床医が革新的な治療法、医薬品、患者さんにもたらされる利益について学ぶ機会が少なくなっています。TriNetXとの提携における私たちの目標の1つは、この傾向を逆転させ、さまざまな種類の難しい疾病に苦しむ日本の患者さんの診療に貢献することです。」







TriNetX, LLCについて




誠光会は、日本では珍しく毎年人口が増えている滋賀県草津市にあります。誠光会は高度急性期医療を担う淡海医療センター(病院長 古家大祐:420床)と在宅療養支援機能を担う淡海ふれあい病院(病院長 平野正満:199床)の2つの病院を中心に、誠心誠意を尽くし地域を支える医療・介護事業を提供しています。淡海医療センターは、心疾患や消化器疾患、整形疾患、また婦人科がんの腹腔鏡手術などの疾患に対し、各分野で高い専門性を持った医師やスタッフが対応しています。また、センター方式によりチーム医療の実現を図っており、外科と内科が連携することで診療科間の垣根を取り払い、シームレスな診療を行っています。詳細は、淡海医療センターのウェブサイト(https://www.seikoukai-sc.or.jp/omi-mc/)をご覧ください。



TriNetX, LLC
Bill Stetson
(857) 285-6038


社会医療法人誠光会 法人広報課


Japan’s Omi Medical Center, Seikoukai, Becomes the First Healthcare Organization in Western Japan to Sign a Partnership Agreement with TriNetX to Increase Participation in Multi-National Clinical Trials

Cambridge, MA, February 27, 2023 — Omi Medical Center, part of the Seikoukai Social Medical Corporation and one of Japan’s leading institutions in the use of advanced medical technologies, announced it is partnering with TriNetX to increase its exposure and participation in multi-national industry-sponsored clinical trials.

“The use of Japanese pharmaceuticals has dropped from 20% to less than 10% of the global market over the past 30 years,” said Atsuyuki Wada, Special Assistant to the President and Director, Clinical Research Center, Omi Medical Center. “Japan also ranks around 30th in the number of global clinical trials, and as a result clinicians in the country have fewer opportunities to learn about innovative treatments, medicines, and the benefits they can bring to patients. One of our goals of joining the TriNetX Network is to reverse this trend and help Japanese patients suffering from a wide variety of challenging diseases.”

Omi Medical Center, located in Kusatsu City, Shiga Prefecture, is one of the institutions in western Japan that offers state-of-the-art medical and surgical care in the fields of cardiovascular, obstetrics and gynecology, gastroenterology, and head and neck. The center provides a wide range of services including emergency medicine, community healthcare, oncology-related community support, and disaster medicine to the people of the surrounding area, which is experiencing population growth.

“The partnership agreement between Omi Medical Center and TriNetX will be a meaningful opportunity to improve Japan’s healthcare system as a whole,” continued Wada. “TriNetX will provide Omi Medical Center with the opportunity to join a global community of pharmaceutical companies and healthcare organizations. This will allow us to strengthen our collaborations with other peer institutions, gain opportunities to participate in clinical trials, and ensure the safe and legal secondary use of real-world data for the benefit of our patients.”

“Omi Medical Center is a fantastic addition to the TriNetX Network—the first healthcare organization in Western Japan, and now a part of our rapidly expanding community of TriNetX members in the country and across the APAC region,” said Shogo Wakabayashi, Country Manager, Japan at TriNetX.




About TriNetX, LLC

TriNetX is a global network of healthcare organizations and life sciences companies driving real-world research to accelerate the development of new therapies. Through its self-service, HIPAA, GDPR, and LGPD-compliant platform of federated EHR, datasets, and consulting partnerships, TriNetX puts the power of real-world data into the hands of its worldwide community to improve protocol design, streamline trial operations, refine safety signals, and enrich real-world evidence generation. For more information, visit TriNetX at www.trinetx.com or follow @TriNetX on Twitter.


About Social Medical Corporation Seikoukai

Seikoukai is located in Kusatsu, Shiga Prefecture, where the population is growing every year, a rarity in Japan. Seikoukai provides medical and nursing care services that support the community with sincerity, centering on two hospitals: Omi Medical Center (Hospital Director: Daisuke Furuya; 420 beds), which provides highly acute care, and Omi Fureai Hospital (Hospital Director: Masamitsu Hirano; 199 beds), which provides home care support functions. Omi Medical Center is committed to providing medical care for diseases such as cardiac, gastrointestinal, and orthopedic diseases, as well as laparoscopic surgery for gynecological cancer, by physicians and staff with a high level of expertise in their respective fields. The center also employs a center-based approach to realize team medicine, where surgery and internal medicine work together to break down the barriers between departments and provide seamless medical care. For more information, visit Omi Medical Center at https://www.seikoukai-sc.or.jp/omi-mc/


Media Contacts

TriNetX, LLC
Bill Stetson
(857) 285-6038


Social Medical Corporation Seikoukai
Corporate PR Department

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