埼玉医科大学国際医療センターが希少疾患、治療、アウトカムに関するグローバルなリアルワールドデータを研究し、患者の利益に貢献するために TriNetXネットワークに参加 - TriNetX

埼玉医科大学国際医療センターが希少疾患、治療、アウトカムに関するグローバルなリアルワールドデータを研究し、患者の利益に貢献するために TriNetXネットワークに参加

Tuesday, Mar 07

Written by TriNetX

Explore. Discover. Connect.

Language: 日本語 (Japanese) | English
2023年3月7日、マサチューセッツ州ケンブリッジ – がん、心臓病、および脳卒中の治療において日本有数の医療機関である埼玉医科大学国際医療センターは希少疾患、治療、アウトカムをより理解し、患者さんにより多くの臨床試験の機会を提供するために、グローバルリアルワールドデータを活用したTriNetXネットワークに加入いたしました。


埼玉医科大学国際医療センター名誉院長で埼玉医科大学専務理事の小山勇氏は、「新しい治療法は、様々な背景を持つ患者集団において時に予期せぬ結果をもたらすこともあります」と述べています。「そういった治療法や治療結果に関するリアルワールドデータを国際的な見地で共有することが重要であり、これこそまさに TriNetX が埼玉医科大学の研究者や TriNetX ネットワークの他の研究機関にもたらすものです」。






TriNetXの日本カントリーマネージャーの若林昭吾は、「埼玉医科大学国際医療センター様を我々のネットワークに迎えることができ、大変嬉しく思います。 埼玉医科大学の研究者の方々がリアルワールドエビデンスを生み出し、また患者さんのために臨床試験の機会を増やすことに貢献できることを楽しみにしています」と述べています。






TriNetX, LLCについて




世界最高水準の病院作りをめざす中で、地域医療を大事にしながら、同時に日本の医療の進歩に貢献してきました。『患者中心の医療』は、私たち病院の最も大切にしている価値であります。つねにヘルスケアの中心は患者さんであり、その家族であり、地域および社会の人々だと考えています。当院は、がん、心臓、脳卒中のいずれの部門においても日本で有数の症例数を誇る病院となりました。さらに、質向上にも積極的に取り組み、平成27年2月には国際的な病院機能評価であるJCI(Join Commission International) の認証を国内の大学病院では初めて取得し、更新を続けています。今後も、医療の質の向上と安全をたゆみなく追及するとともに、新型コロナウイルス感染症や大規模災害などの非常時も含めたあらゆる状況においても、患者さんおよび地域の人々に信頼される医療機関を目指していきます。詳しくは、埼玉医科大学 https://www.international.saitama-med.ac.jp/en/ をご覧ください。





TriNetX, LLC
Bill Stetson
(857) 285-6038
japan@trinetx.com (日本語可)


事務部総務課 武久秀夫
電話番号 042-984-4128 メールアドレス

Japan’s Saitama Medical University International Medical Center Joins the TriNetX Network to Study Global Real-World Data on Rare Diseases, Treatments, and Outcomes to Benefit Its Patients

Cambridge, MA, March 7, 2023 — Saitama Medical University International Medical Center, one of Japan’s leading hospitals for the treatment of oncology, cardiology, and stroke cases, has joined the TriNetX Network to utilize global real-world data to better understand rare diseases, treatments, and outcomes, as well as provide additional clinical trial opportunities to its patients.

“Novel therapies may have unanticipated outcomes across diverse patient populations,” said Isamu Koyama, Hospital Director Emeritus, Saitama Medical University International Medical Center and Senior Management Director, Saitama Medical University Foundation. “It is important to share real-world data on those treatments and outcomes from an international perspective, and that is precisely what TriNetX brings to the investigators at Saitama Medical University as well as peer institutions across the TriNetX Network.”

TriNetX is the largest and fastest-growing collaborative research network comprised of healthcare organizations and life sciences companies driving real-world research to accelerate the development of new therapies. TriNetX puts the power of real-world data into the hands of its worldwide community to improve protocol design, streamline trial operations, refine safety signals, and enrich real-world evidence generation.

“One of the most important values of our health system is patient-centered care, which always places the interest of patients first,” said Toshiaki Saeki, Director of Saitama Medical University International Medical Center. “TriNetX is the global leader in the field of secondary use of real-world data for clinical and observational research and is in the best position to effectively connect our hospital with other medical institutions and corresponding real-world data from around the world.”

“We are thrilled to welcome Saitama Medical University to the TriNetX Network,” said Shogo Wakabayashi, Country Manager, Japan, TriNetX, “We look forward to helping the university’s investigators generate real-world evidence and increase the clinical trial opportunities available for their patients.”




About TriNetX, LLC

TriNetX is a global network of healthcare organizations and life sciences companies driving real-world research to accelerate the development of new therapies. Through its self-service, HIPAA, GDPR, and LGPD-compliant platform of federated EHR, datasets, and consulting partnerships, TriNetX puts the power of real-world data into the hands of its worldwide community to improve protocol design, streamline trial operations, refine safety signals, and enrich real-world evidence generation. For more information, visit TriNetX at www.trinetx.com or follow @TriNetX on Twitter.


About Saitama Medical University International Medical Center

In striving to create a world-class hospital, we have contributed to the advancement of medical care in Japan while at the same time valuing local medical care. “Patient-centered care” is the most important value of our hospital. We believe that the center of health care is always the patient, his/her family, and the people in the community and society. The hospital has become one of the leading hospitals in Japan in terms of the number of cases in all divisions of oncology, cardiology, and stroke. Furthermore, we are actively working to improve quality, and in February 2015, we became the first university hospital in Japan to receive JCI (Join Commission International) certification, an international hospital functionality evaluation, and we continue to renew this certification. We will continue to tirelessly pursue improvements in the quality and safety of medical care and aim to be a medical institution that is trusted by patients and the local community in all situations, including emergencies such as new coronavirus infections and large-scale disasters. For more information, visit Saitama Medical University at https://www.international.saitama-med.ac.jp/en/


Media Contacts

TriNetX, LLC
Bill Stetson
(857) 285-6038


Saitama Medical University International Medical Center
Hideo Takehisa

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