Access Publishing with TriNetX RWD

Answering Questions & Making an Impact: Publishing with TriNetX Real-World Data

TriNetX is a go-to tool for researchers across the globe to conduct real-world evidence studies and find answers to their clinical questions. Our intuitive platform and rich, deep EHR data has enabled success for thousands of researchers and has appeared in over 700 publications since 2017.

Stream our webinar aired March 28, 2023 where researchers from TriNetX healthcare organization partners share:
• How to leverage TriNetX data for real-world evidence research
• The journey to publication
• Best practices for maximizing your chances for successful publication.

Additionally, a member of TriNetX team shares her experience in co-authoring a publication with one of our healthcare partners and how TriNetX can work with you to share your research with the community.


Rafael Amorim Belo Nunes, MD, PhD
Clinical Cardiology and Cardio-Oncology
Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz

Ralf Ludwig, MD
Professor and Director
Lübeck Institute of Experimental Dermatology

Gema Hernández Ibarburu, MSc
Healthcare Partnership Manager EMEA
TriNetX, LLC

Complete this form to stream the webinar now.