Network Spotlight: University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein (UKSH) - TriNetX

We are honored to recognize UKSH for their partnership with TriNetX.

In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, collaboration isn’t just beneficial; it’s essential. TriNetX is proud to partner with our network to advance healthcare through rigorous research, innovation, and a deep dedication to improving patient outcomes. Today, we are honored to recognize the University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein (UKSH).

Learn more about UKSH and what they have been able to accomplish through our partnership.

Why did you join the TriNetX Healthcare Research Network? 

Our participation in the TriNetX global health research network complements our well-developed university research infrastructure and, at the same time, supports our international visibility. TriNetX facilitates collaboration between our scientists and globally active healthcare organizations and biopharmaceutical companies, as well as the joint optimization of large-scale studies for the benefit of our patients.

We have been working extensively with TriNetX for over a year and a half now and have published 17 papers in renowned journals.
Prof. Dr. Ralf Ludwig

UKSH, Lübeck, Germany

How has your team benefited from TriNetX? 

Our teams have benefited the most from the analytic capabilities the TriNetX tools have provided. They offer extensive analysis and comparison options for the effective utilization of this huge amount of data. Our scientists make use of these tools for their own studies and publications with increasing enthusiasm, expertise, and successful scientific. The TriNetX platform provides UKSH’s researchers and scientific physicians with a data pool based on millions of anonymized data from healthcare facilities all over the world.  

A sample of TriNetX-powered research at UKSH can be found below: 

Risk of de novo bullous pemphigoid and pemphigus following transplantation: A global wide-scale cohort study.

Kasperkiewicz M, Kupiec-Weglinski JW, Ngo BT, Kridin K, Ludwig RJ. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2024 Mar;38(3):e231-e233. doi: 10.1111/jdv.19548.

Are interleukin 17 and interleukin 23 inhibitors associated with malignancies?-Insights from an international population-based study.

Kridin K, Abdelghaffar M, Mruwat N, Ludwig RJ, Thaçi D.J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2024 Feb;38(2):315-324. doi: 10.1111/jdv.19520.

Healthcare organizations around the world choose TriNetX 

When you join TriNetX, you attract opportunities from study sponsors advancing new treatments around the world. Healthcare organizations within our community have advanced their own research, secured more sponsored trials, and improved patient outcomes. Become part of the data ecosystem that life sciences and healthcare organizations are relying on more every day to improve patients’ lives. 

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