Our team of analysts, epidemiologists, and evidence strategists represent decades of world-class training and experience. Partner with us to uncover solutions to your research challenges.

Meet the Team

Kaylen Brzozowski
MPH, Senior Analyst
Before TriNetX
Yale School of Public Health ● EIP (Emerging Infections Program)

Elnara Fazio-Eynullayeva
MA, Principal Research Scientist
Before TriNetX
Trinity Partners ● Truven Health Analytics ● Harvard Pilgrim Health Care

Harry Jin
PhD, MPH, Principal Epidemiologist
Before TriNetX
Gilead ● ICON ● San Francisco Department of Public Health

Beni Turner
Associate Manager, Chart Review Team
Before TriNetX
Xcenda ● Navitus ● Outcomes Research Solutions, Inc.
Consulting Spotlight
Characteristics and Mortality Outcomes Among COVID-19 OutPatients in the United States
A collaboration with Merck & Co., Inc. and MSD (UK) Ltd.
Presented at ECCMID 2021
“The probability of all-cause 180-day mortality increased with greater levels of care received, 0.9% outpatient, 5.5% inpatient (without ICU), 26.7% ICU (without IMV/ECMO), and 39.4% ICU with IMV/ECMO (p<0.001)… The probability of all-cause 180-day mortality was significantly in American Indian or Alaska Native (5.0%) and Black or African American (3.9%) races compared to White or Asian, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander races (both, 2.9%) (p<0.001).”